
General References

- Basic Theology, Victor Books

- Foundational Teaching, 1988 New Life International

- Hard Sayings of the Bible, Intervarsity Press

- Holman Bible Dictionary

- Jimmy Swaggart School of the Bible, The book of Daniel

- Kenneth Hagin, RHEMA Bible Church

- Lester Sumrall, Syllabuses, LESEA Publishing Company

- Seductions Exposed, by Gary L. Greenwald, Eagle's Nest Publications

- Spiritual Warfare with John Wimber, 1988 Mercy Publishing

- The 365-Day Devotional Commentary, Victor Books

- The Bible Reader’s Companion, Victor Books

- The Teacher’s Commentary, Victor Books

- The Great Doctrines of the Bible, Moody Press

- The Victor Bible Background Commentary New Testament, Victor Books

- Warren Wiersbe’s, "Be" Series, Victor Books

Lesson 1. The Chief Corner Stone

- The 365-Day Devotional Commentary, Victor Books

Lesson 2. The Trinity

- The Most High Seeing the Almighty, Syllabuses, LESEA Publishing Company

Lesson 3. The Fall of Mankind

- Basic Theology, Victor Books

- The Great Doctrines of the Bible, Moody Press

Lesson 4. Salvation being Born Again

Lesson 5. Water Baptism

- Holman Bible Dictionary

Lesson 6. Holy Spirit Baptism

- Foundational Teaching, 1988 New Life International

- Kenneth Hagin, The Holy Spirit and His Gifts, RHEMA Bible Church

Lesson 7. Fire Baptism

- Holman Bible Dictionary

- The Teacher’s Commentary, Victor Books

Lesson 8. Bearing Fruit

- The Supernatural Fruit of the Holy Spirit, LESEA Publishing Company

Lesson 9. Manifestation of the Spirit

- Gifts & Ministries of the Holy Spirit, LESEA Publishing Company

- Kenneth Hagin, The Holy Spirit and His Gifts, RHEMA Bible Church

Lesson 10. Offices

- Gifts & Ministries of the Holy Spirit, LESEA Publishing Company

- Kenneth Hagin, The Ministry Gifts, RHEMA Bible Church

Lesson 11. Giving

- The Teacher’s Commentary, Victor Books

- Warren Wiersbe’s, "Be" Series, Victor Books

Lesson 12. Discipline

- Holman Bible Dictionary

- The 365-Day Devotional Commentary, Victor Books

- Warren Wiersbe’s, "Be" Series, Victor Books

Lesson 13. The Kingdom of God

- The 365-Day Devotional Commentary, Victor Books

Lesson 14. Demonization

- Alien Entities, LESEA Publishing Company

- Demonology & Deliverance, LESEA Publishing Company

- Seductions Exposed, by Gary L. Greenwald, Eagle's Nest Publications

- Spiritual Warfare with John Wimber, 1988 Mercy Publishing

Lesson 15. Ministering Spirits

- Angels The Messengers of God, LESEA Publishing Company

Lesson 16. The End of the Age

- Hard Sayings of the Bible, Intervarsity Press

- Jimmy Swaggart School of the Bible, The book of Daniel

- Panorama of Prophecy, LESEA Publishing Company

- The Revelation, LESEA Publishing Company